Elena Kuchura (Nirata)
Master of sound therapy, dance breathing, energy and meditative practices, founder of the international school of sound and dance therapy “Nirata”, and retreat centre “Om Shanti”.
Master of sound therapy and dance practices. Trained by famous and esoteric trainers and masters in different countries of the world, including Muji, shamans in Mexico and Tibetan lamas.
Over the years of training in all kinds of spiritual directions, she has settled on sound and dance therapy as the most suitable methods of self-development for most people. She created own techniques, which immediately resonated with dozens of students and followers.
She conducts online and live events in Ukraine, Ireland and India. Among them are both individual and group sessions. She advises other trainers and takes groups to India, Nepal.
She is Mum of two beautiful children. And in 2020 Elena had her “third child” – Om Shanti retreat centre in Chernigov, where various activities (yoga, massage, meditation, creativity) continue to take place.
Nirata International School was founded in 2010 by Elena Kuchura, a specialist in sound and dance therapy.
In 2020, the project reached the international level. The school conducts
trainings online and around the world (Ukraine, Ireland, India and other
Knowledge and experience that will benefit anyone from housewives to yoga teachers, musicians, health care professionals, etc.
You can use our programmes both for yourself and your loved ones and work on them
as a consultant or trainer.
Tibetan singing bowls are an ancient musical instrument that has been used for centuries in different parts of Asia. For a long time they were considered as sacred objects carefully kept in monasteries. Nowadays, each of us has an opportunity to get acquainted with this ancient and mysterious instrument.
The practice is dedicated to the exploration of the Male and Female space through chanting mantras, conscious breathing, smooth movements that allow you to release tension and feel your own body. The goal is to bring the different parts of one’s being together in love, beauty, play, pleasure and co-creation.
When you listen to the singing bowls playing or work with them yourself, your inner dialogue stops, your sensual and emotional centres get activated. This is the perfect tool for yoga and meditation! Such sound therapy is incredibly popular among modern practitioners who strive for self-development and self-discovery!
Spiritual healers noticed the beneficial effect of the bowls on the human energy field, because their vibrations adjust the organs and their systems to work properly and cause a deep relaxation effect. This is how sound-vibration massage came into being.
Tibetan singing bowls are made of different materials and come in different sizes, thus they differ in sound and effect. They are used by therapists, yoga teachers, musicians, psychologists and meditation trainers. Our School teaches the proper use of this instrument, which can be difficult and sometimes even unsafe to do without instruction.
In the culture of Eastern countries there is a notion that a human being originated from sound, so he/she is sound. And only the one who sounds harmoniously is internally balanced and healthy!
Improved concentration, increased awareness
Opening of chakras, harmonisation of energy
Stress reduction, emotional balance
Getting rid of psychosomatic diseases
Ability to work with the emotional and energetic state of the client
Getting rid of clamps, blocks, negativity
We teach both basic knowledge (kinds of bowls, how to choose a suitable instrument and how to work with it), as well as techniques of sound-vibrational massage (individual and pair work), sound therapy (working with a group).
Also, the course includes own methods and developments of the Master, created over the years of training and conducting classes.
Online courses
Training courses in Tibetan singing bowl therapy and dance practice
Open the doors to the Magical World of Sound, Vibrations and Movements!
Self-development and self-knowledge
Improved concentration, increased awareness, opening of chakras, harmonisation of energy.
Sound-vibration massage
Stress reduction, emotional balance, getting rid of psychosomatic diseases.
Sound therapy profession
Ability to work with the emotional and energetic state of the client. Training in sound therapy techniques.
Transformation through dance
Dolphin Tantra dance – strengthening of chakras, awakening of Kundalini, getting rid of clamps, revealing femininity.
“I have had sound therapy with bowls with Lena individually and as a team, when you have the opportunity to hold the bowls in your hands, to hear the sound that is born and brings healing to your physical body and also to the subtle bodies. Touching the bowls is always both a work and a celebration. It is an opening of resources in yourself, in your body to improve bodily and mental health. I sincerely thank Lena for the energies, she is a conductor between sound and body.”
“I have known Elena for more than three years. Elena, aka Nirata, is my spiritual guide to the world of sensations, and my teacher. Each session gives positive results and charges me with positive energy for a long time. I “fell in love” with the magical sound of singing bowls and was trained by Nirata. She taught me not just to hear the sound, but to feel the response of the bowl to the blocks in the body, taught me to recognise the frequencies of vibration of the bowls in case of bodily stagnation.”
“I have been with Elena for a long time and every time all the practices with her open new knowledge of myself. After the dance “Dolphin Tantra”, I felt sexy even in casual clothes and without make-up. I will single out sound therapy sessions for my complete relaxation with them and healing of all thoughts, again there is energy for achievements and, most importantly, a sparkle in the eyes. I am grateful for the opportunity to know Lena in this life and to open my heart to the world”.
Sound and vibration therapy using Tibetan singing bowls is a unique method aimed at relieving mental tension and restoring the human nervous and energy system. It is important to note that none of the known musical instruments can have such an effective impact on the body as the Tibetan singing bowl.
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