zobrazhennia viber 2023 08 24 21 14 22 252 - Exercise "I'm not a role."

Exercise “I’m not a role.”

Sit comfortably, relax, then mentally say to yourself: “I am involved in many different activities and play many roles. I have to play these roles, and I want to play them as best as I can, whether it is the role of a husband or wife, father or mother, teacher or student, entrepreneur or politician. […]

op t vypassan 1 - My first Vipassana experience

My first Vipassana experience

Meditation is a variety of exercises and practices that allow you to relax, clear your mind, control your mind and find inner peace. There are many ways to meditate. One of techniques is Vipassana, or “insight meditation”. Vipassana is one of the oldest meditation techniques, originated in India some 2,500 years ago as a “universal […]

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