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school of sound and dance therapy

Training courses

Introduction to Tibetan singing bowls.

Open class

Tibetan singing bowls are an ancient musical instrument that has been used for centuries in different parts of Asia. For a long time they were considered as sacred objects, carefully kept in monasteries. We offer to get acquainted with this ancient and mysterious instrument.

Sound therapy course with Tibetan singing bowls

Learning how to work properly with Tibetan singing bowls. Ancient and author’s own techniques of sound therapy and sound-vibration massage. For self, loved ones, individual sessions and group classes as a coach.

Dolphin Tantra dance-practice training

Awakening of female energy, getting rid of clamps, blocks, complexes, liberation of body and consciousness. Revealing your femininity. Connecting different parts of one’s own being together – in love, beauty, play, pleasure and co-creation.

Stay in touch with us!

Nirata. International School of Sound and Dance Therapy © All Rights Reserved 2023

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